Real Estate

Before You Attempt To Remove a Tree On Your Property In Northern Beaches – You Need To Know The Following

If you are fortunate to have trees on your property then you already know about the many benefits that they provide. They provide you and your family with shade on a particularly hot day and they also protect your property from the elements. They can act as a kind of sound barrier and they give you a level of privacy that many Australians don’t have. The unfortunate thing however is that your trees can get sick and when this happens, it might be best to remove them from your property if they can’t be helped.

There is a danger that branches will weaken over time and might strike someone on your property. If the roots are deteriorating then there is a real possibility that the tree will fall over and particularly if there is a bad storm passing through. This is when you need to reach out to the professionals and take advantage of their Tree Removal Services in the Northern Beaches. There are some things that you should know before doing anything and the following are some of those.

  • Check the legality of it all – You might be under the misapprehension that because it is your tree and you may have even planted it, you can do what you like. This is not the case and there are many rules and regulations in place to stop people from just removing trees on a whim. Get in touch with the local government department that handles such things and find out if you can remove the tree and if so, how should it happen.
  • Size really does matter – Everyone tells us in life that size doesn’t really matter but in the case of removing a tree, it certainly comes into the equation. If trees are a certain size in their diameter then it is likely that this is a job that you can do yourself. If there is a local plant hire centre close by, you could rent the equipment needed for the job but you would be best advised to let the professionals do it anyway.
  • Think about your neighbours – If it is your intention to take down the tree and you have the necessary permissions then worry about your neighbour’s property as well as your own.To ensure that no damage is done, the tree removal experts will take it down in smaller sections. This makes it easier to haul everything away later but it also cuts down the chances of any damage to your neighbour’s home and the ground around it.

It can certainly be a sad day when a tree has to be removed from your property because you may have planted it yourself to celebrate an important milestone like the day that you moved in, maybe the day that you got married or the date on when you first child came into the world. However, if it is sick then it’s best to have it taken away.

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