Life Style

15 Psychological Tricks to Make Life Easier

If we want to easily make new acquaintances, be the life of the party, and win people over, we’re in the right place. Here are some simple psychological tricks in communication that are sure to work in our favor!

How Psychological Tricks Impact Life

Not everyone is strong in conversations. Some people are shy, while others don’t know what to ask. But even in real life, we can use some psychological techniques.

These tricks help initiate conversations, make others feel comfortable with us, and help us recognize when these techniques are being used on us. After all, not only coaches and psychologists use tricks — ordinary people do as well in everyday life.

Trick 1: Mirroring

We tend to like people who remind us of ourselves. So during a conversation, try to mirror the other person’s behavior: use similar gestures, facial expressions, or speak at the same pace.

This psychological trick can be used in meetings and interviews. Don’t overdo it, or the person might think we’re mocking them.

Trick 2: Repeating the Speaker’s Words

When the other person shares an opinion, paraphrase and repeat their thought. This shows that we’ve been listening attentively, agree with their point of view, and respect the idea they wanted to convey.

Trick 3: Purposeful Compliments

Start the conversation with a small compliment about some aspect of the person’s appearance. Or, if we know they’ve been working hard on something, we can acknowledge their effort.

This will put them in a positive mood and make them feel more affectionate toward us. After all, everyone loves compliments, even if they’re already used to them.

Trick 4: Offering Choices

Instead of just asking questions, offer two or three options. First, it makes it easier for the other person to choose. Second, it guides them toward a decision that’s convenient for us.

For example, instead of asking, “Which sport do you want to try for live betting?” we could say, “Football, basketball, or horse racing?”

Trick 5: The Power of Silence

We all remember the awkwardness of pauses in conversation. But we can use this feeling to our advantage.

If we want to understand someone’s thoughts or simply “encourage” them to talk, just stay silent. The pause will create discomfort, and the other person will start talking to fill it.

Trick 6: Anticipating Objections

The essence of this psychological trick is to anticipate the other person’s objections and address them before they even say them.

Try to predict the reason why they might say “no” or disagree, and prepare a response. This way, we can build trust and better control the conversation.

Trick 7: Using Positive Language

Positive language consists of words that evoke good emotions. For example: “success,” “opportunity,” “achievement,” and so on.

Simply inserting them into the dialogue will help the other person form optimistic expectations and attitudes. This technique can be used in business meetings.

Trick 8: Names Matter

It’s always nice when someone calls us by name. So, if we use the other person’s name as often as possible in the conversation, we’ll be surprised at how much they’ll like us.

But don’t forget about moderation, so we don’t come across as odd.

Trick 9: The Barnum Effect

This psychological trick makes a person feel special, even when using general and vague statements. This technique is often used by tarot readers and astrologers.

Just say general words that could apply to most people, and the other person will start believing that these words specifically relate to them.

For example, “You strive for peace and harmony, but sometimes face inner conflicts.” This will create the impression of a personalized approach and build trust.

Trick 10: The Socratic Method

The essence of this technique is to lead the dialogue through questions that help the other person find answers themselves and think more deeply. Let’s consider such a dialogue between Jane and Casey:

Jane: “What are the advantages of negotiations in resolving conflicts?” 

Casey: “Negotiations help find a compromise.” 

Jane: “But they can drag on, and the parties may not resolve anything. Are there other risks?” 

Casey: “Yes, negotiations require…”

And so on, this dialogue can continue for a long time. The main point is that the opponent finds the answer themselves, and we can guide them in the desired direction. This way, they’ll think that we’re deeply interested in their opinion.

Trick 11: Light Touch

The essence of this technique is to briefly touch the person’s hand or shoulder. The touch creates a sense of closeness and trust, making our communication more open and sincere. After all, people often remember those who lightly touched them during a conversation.

Trick 12: Visualizing Success

This is a powerful method in psychology that allows us to positively influence our conversation partners and even ourselves.

Imagine a successful outcome before the action or conversation begins, and we’ll fill ourselves with confidence, which our mind will then convey through our speech and behavior.

Trick 13: The Power of First Impressions

Usually, within the first few seconds, a person decides whether they can trust us. If the first impression is positive, the rest of the conversation will be based on that trust.

So, applying one of the psychological tricks in the first minute of our interaction will ensure a favorable outcome.

Trick 14: The Anchoring Effect

A psychological trick where the first piece of information influences subsequent decisions. For example, if we start by mentioning a large number, the following numbers will seem smaller.

This can help in negotiations or selling products. We’ll create the impression of a good deal and set the tone for the entire conversation.

Trick 15: Open Posture

Show your confidence and trust in the partner through body language. Keep your shoulders back, hands relaxed, and maintain eye contact.

This way, they’ll feel that we’re open to dialogue, and the atmosphere will become more inviting.


These psychological tricks will help us better understand others and manage our fear of communication. An open posture, the anchoring effect, or even just the light touch trick can already influence our interactions. Incorporate these tricks into everyday life and enjoy the positive changes!

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