How the Digital Revolution is Changing Global Commerce

Humanity has continued to develop since we first arrived and the Industrial Revolution certainly saw a lot of progress, as we built factories and the age of machinery was born. The 1960s saw the start of the Digital Revolution, when some smart scientists figured out that ones and zeros can be used to send and receive data. The onboard computers in Apollo 13 had a tiny portion of computing power when compared to today’s average smartphone and the digital train keeps on developing.
The Internet of Things
This is a global network that is designed for digital devices to talk to each other and it will be a game-changer when used in conjunction with AI. When 5G is up and running, we will enjoy 10x data transfer speeds and this will empower commerce around the world.
International Commerce
In the past, if you wanted to do business with a Chinese manufacturer, you would need to go through a large Western wholesaler, who obviously takes a cut. Not so today; any Western company can set up a business in China and with local providers, they enjoy payroll and tax compliance and can deal directly with the local factory.
How easy is it to register a business in China?
Using a top international law firm is the best way to approach foreign business registration; their legal experts are very familiar with the Chinese government and their protocols and can therefore ensure a smooth completion of the registration process.
Various registration options
There are 3 main types of business you can register:
- Joint Venture Company – Connect with a local partner and start trading.
- Wholly foreign owned enterprise – If you are looking to do some R&D in China, this is the option for you.
- Representative Office – Perfect for the company that wishes to trade with local suppliers.
With an international law firm handling your application, compliance is assured and they can also connect you with a wide range of essential business services from local providers.
Starlink Satellites
Elon Musk has already put a few thousand Starlink satellites in low orbit and they produce 10x data transfer speeds – 2028 is the projected target when every single square metre of the plant has hi-speed Internet – which takes us into a new dimension of digital connectivity. SpaceX never stops sending up these special satellites, usually 53 at a time and they come together in short lines are put into the desired orbit. Click here to learn about brand authority and why it is so important. At dawn or dusk, you might see a line of lights track across the sky, a short train of satellites that will soon cover the planet. Internet service providers will become a thing of the past; we think hi-speed Internet will be free for all users and advertising will finance the network.
Real time video calls anywhere on the planet is definitely a game-changer and this empowers the western entrepreneur in so many ways. Whether you intend to enter the Chinese or Russian markets, all is possible with the current level of digital technology.