Life Style
The Top 5 Healthy Beverages Consumed Around the World

Drinking is as natural as eating and ever since we first roamed the plains of Africa, humans have been very creative and industrious regarding making drinks. This wonderful planet we live on has everything we need and with that in mind, here is our top 5 list of healthy drinks that people of all cuultures consume.
- Tea – Brewed from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant, this amazing drink comes in many forms; green tea, black tea, white tea, matcha and this list goes on and on. Tea is consumed hot and cold and just about every culture on the planet uses this healthy beverage. Tea is believed to have health benefits, reducing blood pressure and improving circulation and if consumed daily, it may offer additional protection against heart disease.
- Coffee – Coffee is right up there with tea, coffee is brewed from coffee beans and there isn’t a country in the world where coffee is not on the menu. Known as a stimulant due to the high caffeine content, coffee can be consumed with or without milk and sugar to taste; hot and cold drinks are available in every town and city. Who doesn’t love a hot coffee first thing in the morning? Millions of cups are brewed as countries see the sun at dawn and this tradition is likely to continue as long as humans are around.
- Milk – Milk is a great drink that is as natural as nature itself; humans typically drink cow’s milk, which is known to be good for bones, thanks to a high level of calcium. You can make tasty milkshakes by blending fresh fruit; every fridge in the world contains at least one carton of pasteurised milk. We raise our kids on a daily diet of milk, which is supplied by a thriving dairy industry.
- Fresh fruit juice – Most fruits can be blended or pressed to create a delicious drink; add crushed ice, a slice of lemon and a little sugar to sweeten the taste. Bananas, grapes, apples, oranges, lemons, watermelon, pineapple, the list is indeed long. There isn’t a healthier drink than a fresh fruit smoothie made with your favourite fruit. If you drink carbonated soda drinks, you might want to consider switching to something healthier, which would benefit your health in many ways.
- Water – The giver of life, water has to be on our list, as without it, nothing would survive; all living things rely on water and while it might not taste special, we can’t do without it. You should drink 6-8 glasses of water per day, more in humid climates, where dehydration can be an issue.
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So, there you have it, a list of healthy, natural drinks that are consumed worldwide and the chances are, you like most of them.