Typical Injuries That a Physiotherapist Would Treat

We all know that a physiotherapist works on physical injuries; every sports team has at least one resident physio who helps players recover from injury, while also teaching preventative methods to reduce the risk of injury.
Certified physios would typically treat the following issues.
- Ankle injuries – The ankle is a very complex joint that enables the foot to move in different directions and ankle injuries are common, such as sprains and torn ligaments. If you think you have a sprained ankle, contact your local Baulkham Hills physio, book an appointment and let the healthcare professional take a look.
- Sciatica – This causes pain in the lower part of the body, such as the lower back, buttocks and thighs; the sciatica nerve splits into sections and should one of these come into contact with bone or tissue, a sharp pain is experienced. Treatment for sciatica is best administered by a certified physio who examines the patient and recommends treatment.
- Knee issues – The knees are very important joints that enable your legs to bend and whether through a sporting injury or a fall, it is very easy to cause injuries to the knees. Overweight people typically suffer from knee problems, while standing for long periods can cause stress on knee joints, which is something a trained physio can treat.
- Shoulder pain – Your shoulders use rotator cuff muscles to enable the arms to move and these muscles are easily strained. Certain sports like tennis, baseball, golf and swimming demand a lot from the shoulders and overuse can cause shoulder issues. Poor seated posture can also cause shoulder pain, so if you are an office worker and your shoulders ache, it might be due to poor seated posture; try changing to an ergonomic chair, which might resolve the issue. See your local physio for a professional opinion. If you are interested in spiritual growth, click here.
- Lower back pain – Pain in the lower back is the most common occurrence that impacts the general population, which can be caused by many things. Lifting heavy objects incorrectly, poor seated posture and sitting for long periods, are all probable causes of lower back pain. If you visit your local physio, he or she can identify probable causes and recommend a series of exercises.
- Sporting injuries – Sports put the body under a lot of pressure and athletes would see a physio whenever they suffer an injury. The healthcare professional has hands-on experience with manipulation to help athletes enjoy a speedy recovery by setting out an exercise plan.
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To become a certified physio, you have to study for at least 5 years in order to practice, so if you are suffering from any of the above conditions, make sure you make an appointment with your local physio. If you have injured yourself playing sports, consult with a local physio who can help you by teaching you exercises to promote healing.